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Revolved Triangle
parivrtta trikonasana
Spinal Rotation: Revolved Triangle is a deep twisting pose that involves a strong rotation of the spine. This twisting action helps improve spinal mobility, increases the flexibility of the spinal muscles, and stimulates the flow of energy along the spine.
Core Strength: The pose requires engagement of the core muscles to maintain balance and stability while in the twist. This helps strengthen the abdominal muscles, including the obliques, and contributes to overall core strength and stability.
Hip and Hamstring Stretch: Revolved Triangle provides a deep stretch to the hips, particularly the outer hips, and glutes. The pose also stretches the hamstrings of the forward leg, increasing flexibility and releasing tension in these areas.
Shoulder and Chest Opening: As the torso rotates and the arm reaches up, Revolved Triangle offers a gentle opening of the shoulders and chest. This can help alleviate tension in the upper back and shoulders, improve posture, and promote a sense of spaciousness in the chest and lungs.
Digestive Health: Twisting poses like Revolved Triangle can stimulate digestion and help improve overall digestive health. The twist compresses the organs in the abdominal cavity, which can aid in digestion, massage the internal organs.
Grounding and Balance: Revolved Triangle requires a strong foundation and balance as you root down through the standing leg and engage the muscles of the lower body. This grounding effect can help improve stability, focus, and concentration.
Energising and Invigorating: Revolved Triangle is known to stimulate and awaken the body and mind. The combination of the twist, deep stretch, and engagement of various muscle groups creates an energising effect, leaving practitioners feeling invigorated and revitalised.
Neck injuries or cervical spine issues: Individuals with neck injuries or cervical spine issues should approach Revolved Triangle Pose with caution. The pose involves turning the head to look up towards the top hand, which can strain the neck. It's advisable to keep the gaze forward or downwards and avoid any pain or discomfort in the neck.
Spinal or back issues: Individuals with spinal or back injuries or conditions should approach Revolved Triangle Pose with caution. The twisting motion in the pose can put strain on the spine, particularly the lumbar region. It's important to practice with proper alignment, engage the core muscles, and avoid any pain or discomfort in the back.
Hip or knee injuries: People with hip or knee injuries or limitations should be mindful when practicing Revolved Triangle Pose. The pose requires a wide stance and a deep twist, which can put strain on these joints. Modifying the pose with a shorter stance or using props, such as blocks for support, can be beneficial.
High blood pressure: Revolved Triangle Pose involves a deep twist and compression of the abdominal region, which can affect blood pressure. If you have high blood pressure or any cardiovascular issues, it's advisable to avoid deep twisting movements and modify the pose accordingly.
Recent abdominal surgery: The deep twist in Revolved Triangle Pose can put pressure on the abdominal area. If you have had recent abdominal surgery, it's best to avoid deep twisting movements and modify the pose as needed.
Balance or stability issues: Revolved Triangle Pose requires a degree of balance and stability. Individuals with balance issues, vertigo, or other stability concerns should practice with caution and may benefit from the support of a wall or chair.
Pregnancy: Pregnant individuals should approach Revolved Triangle Pose with caution, especially as the pregnancy progresses. Modifying the pose by shortening the stance and avoiding deep twists can be more suitable and comfortable.
Kneeling Revolved Triangle (Parivrtta Trikonasana): This variation of Revolved Triangle allows for a more supported and accessible twist, making it a great preparatory pose for the full standing variation.
Lunge Twist: From a lunge position, twist towards the front leg, creating a gentle rotation in the torso that mimics the movement in Revolved Triangle.
Pyramid Pose (Parsvottanasana): Pyramid pose stretches the hamstrings and lengthens the spine, preparing the body for the forward fold and twist of Revolved Triangle.
Cue In
1 - From a standing position, step your left foot back, grounding the heel.
2 - Turn the back foot inward enough to turn your hips forward and straighten both legs
3 - Lengthen your spine, maintaining a strong and extended posture.
4 - Rotate your torso to the right, bringing your left hand towards your right shin, block if required, or foot
5 - Keep your right hand on your hip or extend it towards the ceiling, in line with your shoulder.
6 - If comfortable, gaze up towards your right hand
“Go to the point you feel a stretch in the outer thighs or hamstrings of the front leg, or stretch in the sides or torso.”
“Keep both legs are engaged and active, micro bend into the front leg and your back leg also straight with heel pressing firmly into the ground.”
“Keep core switched on throughout.”
“Use the underneath are to leverage a deeper twist by pressing it against your bottom leg or into the block or floor”
“Maintain a steady breath.”
“Release any unnecessary tension in the neck and shoulders.”
Twisting Adjustment: Place one hand on the student's front top shoulder and the other hand on the bottom shoulder blade, gently guiding them into a deeper twist by encouraging the rotation of the torso, while maintaining stability and integrity in the pose.
Block Support: Offer a block on the outside of the front foot, at a suitable height for the student to rest their hand on, providing stability and accessibility.
Shoulder Adjustment: Place hands on the student's shoulders from behind, gently encouraging them to draw the shoulders away from the ears and lengthen the sides of the torso, creating space and openness in the upper body. If the arm is swaying back align it over their shoulder. If their shoulder is reaching forward circle it behind their back and help them roll it back and open their chest.
Lifting them up: If they are folded toward the floor and hip swaying behind. Gently pull on their top arm asking them to lift up. Then draw them backwards into alignment.
Counter Poses
Standing Wide-Legged Forward Fold (Prasarita Padottanasana): This wide-legged forward fold stretches the inner thighs which usually feels nice after being squeezed together in Revolved Triangle.
Reclining Bound Angle Pose (Supta Baddha Konasana): This pose opens the hips, stretches the inner thighs, and promotes relaxation, allowing for a gentle release after the intensity of Revolved Triangle.
"See the variations,
simple to complex"
Tiptoe Revolved Triangle: From the high lunge, move into Revolved Triangle staying long in your stance and on your back tiptoe. This adds an element of balance and strengthens the muscles of the foot and ankle.
Bound Revolved Triangle: Begin in Revolved Triangle pose and reach the top arm under your front thigh and wrap it around your back, attempting to clasp the hands behind your back. This variation intensifies the twist and deepens the shoulder and chest opening.
Revolved Triangle with Back Knee Down: Instead of keeping the back leg straight, lower the back knee to the ground. This modification provides more stability and accessibility, especially for those with tight hamstrings or limited balance.
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