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Chest and Shoulder Opening: Fish Pose is excellent for opening and expanding the chest, as well as stretching the muscles of the shoulders. It counteracts the effects of hunching forward, which is common in our modern sedentary lifestyle. By stretching the chest and shoulders, Fish Pose helps improve posture and respiratory function. Spine Flexibility and Alignment: The backbend nature of Fish Pose promotes flexibility and mobility in the spine. It stretches the muscles and connective tissues along the entire length of the spine, from the tailbone to the neck. Regular practice can help improve spinal alignment and relieve tension in the back. Stimulates the Throat and Heart Chakras: According to yogic philosophy, specific postures can stimulate and balance the energy centres in the body known as chakras. Fish Pose targets the Throat (Vishuddha) and Heart (Anahata) chakras. By opening the throat and chest, this pose can help improve communication, self-expression, and emotional well-being. Relieves Respiratory Issues: Fish Pose expands the chest cavity, improves lung capacity, and enhances the efficiency of breathing. Rejuvenates and Energizes: Fish Pose is known for its rejuvenating and energizing effects on the body and mind. The gentle backbend stimulates the nervous system, promoting an increase in energy levels and mental alertness. It can be an excellent pose to practice during periods of fatigue or when feeling sluggish. Relieves Stress and Anxiety: As with many yoga poses, Fish Pose can help reduce stress and anxiety. The opening of the chest and heart area can create a sense of openness and expansion, helping to release emotional tension. The deep breathing and the mild inversion of the head in this pose can also have a calming effect on the mind.





Supported Fish Pose: Lie down on your back with a bolster or a block or folded blanket placed lengthwise under your spine. Allow your head to gently rest on the floor. This supported variation helps gently open the chest and neck while providing support and relaxation. Support the head if needed. Puppy Pose (Anahatasana): Puppy Pose is an excellent preparatory pose for Fish Pose as it opens the chest, shoulders, and upper back. It stretches the spine and releases tension in the shoulders, creating a nice opening in the front of the body. Camel Pose (Ustrasana): Camel Pose is a deeper backbend that stretches the entire front of the body. It opens the chest, shoulders, and throat, preparing you for the intense stretch in Fish Pose. Sphinx Pose (Salamba Bhujangasana): Sphinx Pose helps gently lengthen and open the front of the torso while keeping the lower body grounded. It prepares the spine for deeper backbends.


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Counter Poses

(Counter with spinal flexion poses that particularly focus on the cervical and thoracic) Plow (Halasana) : Flexes the length of the spine. Stretches the back line. Shoulderstand (Sarvangasana) Flexes the neck. Shoulder Bridge (Setu Bandha) : Flexes the neck opposite to that of Fish Pose


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